Generate leads in UK schools
Education Data
Connect with 670,000 teachers and leaders.
Email Marketing
Send email campaigns direct to teachers’ inboxes.
Postal Marketing
Run postal campaigns to schools nationwide.
Trusted by 2,000+ organisations
Education Data

Manage your own marketing to schools with a custom-built education database.
Email Marketing

Send eye-catching email campaigns to the direct inboxes of your chosen teachers and decision makers.
Delivering results for over 13 years

Access our unrivalled education knowledge and experience
Generate more leads in your chosen education settings with the help of our marketing to schools experts.
Through our active involvement in schools and our expansive knowledge as a team, we know exactly what works and what doesn’t when it comes to education marketing.
Our Founder, Michael, is not only a former teacher himself, but he’s also a current chair of governors in a primary school and a governor in a secondary school.
Your team of education marketing specialists

Maximise the impact of your marketing to schools with support from our talented team. Education experts, marketing professionals, digital designers and creative copywriters – our team well and truly puts the Buzz into Buzz Education!
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