Labour’s education plans and what they mean for your organisation

With Labour now in power, you’ll be interested to know what the education sector will look like over the coming weeks, months and years.
What are Labour’s education plans? What opportunities are there for your organisation? How can you maximise these new opportunities?
We’ve highlighted some of the key plans from Labour’s manifesto along with our forecasts on the areas we expect to see an increase in demand for if these plans go ahead. Look out for the little light bulbs 💡, you’ll find sector-specific insights.
“Open an additional 3,000 nurseries through upgrading space in primary schools, to deliver the extension of government funded hours families are entitled to.”
Construction and Health & Safety 💡 If you’re in the construction sector, you may be able to support schools with upgrading their facilities and adding extensions to new buildings. Keep an eye out for a list of the areas and sites where these developments will take place to see if you can get involved.
EFYS Support 💡 If you work with nurseries and create resources and materials for EFYS learners, this one’s also for you. The opening of new nurseries means new nursery teachers to connect with and nurture into loyal, returning customers.
“Labour will recruit an additional 6,500 new expert teachers. We will get more teachers into shortage subjects, support areas that face recruitment challenges, and tackle retention issues.”
All Subject Areas 💡 The recruitment of 6,500 new specialist-subject teachers means a brand-new network of education staff to support and turn into life-long customers.
According to a report from the Education Committee published in May 2024, the subjects affected by teacher shortages include business studies, physics, music, design and technology, modern foreign languages, and computing. We expect to see an increase in demand for curriculum resources and support in these areas.
To improve teacher retention, we also expect to see greater support available for teachers, ranging from mental health support to continuing professional development. And importantly for your marketing, we expect the opportunities that arise from this new recruitment initiative to be wide reaching.
“We will update the Early Career Framework, maintaining its grounding in evidence, and ensure any new teacher entering the classroom has, or is working towards, Qualified Teacher Status. We will introduce a new Teacher Training Entitlement to ensure teachers stay up to date on best practice with continuing professional development.”
Teacher Training 💡 Do you support newly qualified teachers? Or provide continuing professional development courses for teachers? There may be upcoming opportunities for you to increase participation in your courses, webinars, workshops and more!
Keep an eye out for announcements about the Early Career Framework to see how you can align your organisation’s plans and marketing with the updated agenda, and the areas teachers need support with. Our top tip? Head over to the government website and subscribe to their education updates to stay in the loop on EFYS news.
“Raising school standards starts with early education. The last Labour government’s promotion of phonics put rocket boosters under the reading and writing ability of a generation of children. We will do the same for numeracy, improving the quality of maths teaching across nurseries and primary schools.”
Maths (Early Years Foundation Stage and Primary) 💡 Calling all education suppliers who specialise in maths! The government has pledged to improve the quality of maths teaching in early years and primary settings. If you provide resources, curriculum support, workshops, or similar offerings for maths, let schools know!
“Labour will fund evidence-based early-language interventions in primary schools, so that every child can find their voice.”
Languages and Reading💡 If your products or services can support children’s reading, vocabulary, communication, and language skills, we recommend running a series of marketing campaigns to schools nationwide to promote your offering.
Early-language interventions will be a key focus area under the new government, so keep an eye out for funding that teachers can access to invest in your products and services. If funding is available, signpost to it within your marketing messaging to incentivise more teachers to get in touch!
“Labour will launch an expert-led review of curriculum and assessment, working with school staff, parents and employers to change this. Our reforms will build on the hard work of teachers who have brought their subjects alive with knowledge-rich syllabuses, to deliver a curriculum which is rich and broad, inclusive, and innovative.”
All Subject Areas 💡 Whether indirectly or directly, if your educational products, supplies and services diversify the curriculum, innovate classroom learning, promote inclusivity, and enhance learning – teachers and schools will want to hear from you!
To help you maximise your sales, bookings, sign ups and more, read our 6 tips to generate more leads. From how to categorise your education leads to ways you can improve your campaign content, you’ll find specialist advice on all areas of your marketing strategy.
“Labour will take a community-wide approach, improving inclusivity and expertise in mainstream schools, as well as ensuring special schools cater to those with the most complex needs.”
SEND 💡 Do you offer SEND products or services for schools? This could range from SEND resources to school trips to staff training – either way, schools will be interested in learning how you can help them improve their SEND provision.
“Labour will provide access to specialist mental health professionals in every school, so every young person has access to early support to address problems before they escalate. This will complement our plan for Young Futures Hubs, which will make sure every community has an open-access hub for children and young people with drop-in mental health support.”
Mental Health 💡 Mental health and wellbeing will continue to be a priority in schools through Labour’s education plans. If you’re in this sector, there’ll be lots of new avenues for supporting children and the wider school community. And even if you’re not directly in mental health but your products positively impact pupil or staff wellbeing, we recommend including these benefits in your marketing messaging to encourage more schools to enquire and work with you.
To see how we can help you promote your wellbeing products and services to schools, take a look at our Mental Health Foundation case study.
“Labour will bring forward a comprehensive strategy for post‐16 education. And we will guarantee training, an apprenticeship, or help to find work for all 18- to 21-year-olds.”
Apprenticeships and Employment Support 💡 The government’s commitment to improve post-16 education means lots of new opportunities for apprenticeship providers and careers advice providers. If this isn’t your area, but your business is open to hiring a student apprentice or offering work experience placements, make sure to keep an eye out for updates on the government’s post-16 strategy to see how you can get involved.
“Labour will transform Further Education colleges into specialist Technical Excellence Colleges. These colleges will work with businesses, trade unions, and local government to provide young people with better job opportunities and the highly trained workforce that local economies need.”
Further Education and Employability 💡 If you can help to improve students’ job prospects and support colleges with bridging the gap between education and employment, make sure to promote your services to the relevant sixth forms, colleges and careers staff.
To help you create a focused marketing mailing list with careers staff and relevant teachers, check out our full list of job titles here.
“Labour will support children to study a creative or vocational subject until they are 16, and ensure accountability measures reflect this. We will get more children active by protecting time for physical education, and supporting the role grassroots clubs play in expanding access to sport… We will also launch a new National Music Education Network – a one-stop shop with information on courses and classes for parents, teachers and children.”
Arts, Music and Sport 💡 Does your educational offering develop and nurture learners’ creative skills? From theatre to PE, the government has committed to improving children’s career pathways in the creative sector and improve access to art, music, and sport.
And that’s your quick whizz through some of Labour’s education plans and the possible opportunities for your organisation!
There are more plans in the pipeline which you can find in Labour’s political manifesto. And, as always with politics, some of these plans might change, so we’ll keep you updated on anything relevant to you and your business.
As the new school year is just around the corner, make sure to plan in your September and autumn term campaigns. It’s a busy period in the school calendar and a prime time for teacher engagement!
To book your next set of campaigns, email us at or give us a call on 01257 460036.